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Offline ex.BentleyDriver

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« am: Mi.09.Feb 2005/ 10:37:10 »
Hallo Forum,

hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Fa. IntroCar aus England? >Link<

BentleyDriver ;)
Beste Grüße

Offline ex.BentleyDriver

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« Antwort #1 am: Di.07.Feb 2006/ 12:50:19 »

auch wenn es nun schon ein wenig her ist, hier meine (leidvollen) Erfahrungen.

Die Qualität der meisten Teile lässt zu wünschen übrig. Teilweise sind die nicht passgenau oder schlichtweg falsch.

Die Dauer der Lieferungen sind zufriedenstellend. Preislich absolutes Mittelfeld.

BentleyDriver ;)
Beste Grüße

Offline ex.BentleyDriver

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« Antwort #2 am: Mi.27.Sep 2006/ 22:57:00 »
Von der Internetseite von Introcar:

Serving the Rolls Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts
Introcar Ltd are proud to announce a merger with the Parts Division of Healey Brothers (Automobile Engineers) Ltd bringing two of the largest independent Rolls Royce and Bentley parts suppliers together in a move to provide an unrivalled service to our customers.

Healey Brothers has an established reputation for the supply of Rolls Royce and Bentley parts spanning 40 years. Created at the time when the Silver Cloud III and Bentley Series 3 were still in production, Healey Bros. have specialised in the supply of parts for all post war cars up to and including the models manufactured into the late nineteen eighties. In addition the range of coachwork repair panels they have developed for most of the post war models, is widely acknowledged as being the most comprehensive and the best available.

Eric Healey, the Managing Director, has had a long and enviable career in the conservation of Rolls Royce and Bentley cars. He is a founder member of the Rolls Royce and Bentley Specialists Association and remains an active director of this prestigious group. He spends much time helping and encouraging owners to use and conserve their cars for prosperity and active use. He frequently lectures at RREC seminars both in the UK and abroad. He intends to continue his association with the products of RR Limited and Bentley Motors. With his experience this forthcoming association with IntroCar Limited will enable the merged businesses to offer a parts supply and service business second to none.

Introcar Ltd have been in the Rolls Royce parts supply business for 18 years and their name has become synonymous with good service and attention to detail. Over this period of time the Company has built up a large and eclectic stock of parts together with an unrivalled database of suppliers, customers and parts information.

The merging of these two prestigious businesses will create one of the most comprehensive and knowledgeable independent parts suppliers available throughout the world. Together with a stock base valued in excess of £3 million, and combined staff knowledge spanning the decades from pre-war to current models, the combined forces will be unparalleled.

Manufacturing and sourcing of many obsolete or difficult to obtain parts will continue to be a priority of the merged companies and will be under the direction of Eric Healey. His established connections with Rolls Royce and Bentley Motors, manufacturers, independent suppliers and customers will enable him to continue more effectively with what has already been a lifetime endeavour.

Another important announcement at this time is the formation of a new Company trading as IntroFactor. This embryo company will primarily be building an interactive web site based upon the lifestyle of the Rolls Royce or Bentley owner and acting as a directory for services associated with the cars. Customers will be able to discuss their cars, find services at home and abroad and buy and sell their cars online. They will also be able to receive information and news regarding Rolls Royce and Bentley cars and of course order parts through the link with the IntroCar web site. An online Auto jumble is also undergoing development and technical advice and much more will become available over the next few months.

The partnership of IntroCar Limited and Healey Brothers will officially commence on September 18th 2006 at which time IntroCar Limited at Manorgate Road, Kingston will be the sales outlet and hub of the merged Companies. All parts and panels sales will be conducted from Kingston. All the Healey Brother’s stock and associated expertise will be based at this new, shared site. All concerned are confident that this merger will provide an unsurpassed, independent Parts Supply company for the Rolls Royce and Bentley after-sales market.
Beste Grüße