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Unterlagen und Testaufzeichnungen zum eigenen Auto
« am: Fr.27.Jun 2008/ 11:54:34 »
Unterlagen und Testaufzeichnungen zum eigenen Auto

Besitzern von Rolls-Royce und Bentley-Fahrzeugen ist es möglich, die ORIGINALEN Herstellungsunterlagen und Straßentest-Berichte des Werks zu ihrem Fahrzeug zu ordern.

Dies kann erfolgen bei

Mrs Barbara Westlake vom Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club (RREC) in England/Hunthouse.

Fax +44 (0)1327 811797.


Hier weitere Details in Englisch (übernommen von der Website des RREC England,

Barbara can also assist with the reclamation of registration numbers from the DVLA.

The records of individual cars are identified by chassis number. If for some reason this is not known, it may be possible to trace the car by other means, e.g. by UK registration number.

Records for pre-war Rolls-Royce cars consist of the chassis sales card, build records and engine test records. For Derby Bentleys, just chassis build records and engine test records are available.

Records of Crewe-built cars of the immediate post-war era are somewhat sparse, but those for post 1965 cars are extensive, usually being in excess of 50 pages.

The records give valuable information about the car's original specification: they include the serial numbers of original instruments and major sub-assemblies (so you can see if anything has been replaced). You can check the individual requirements of the original purchaser. If they knew of a change of owner, Rolls-Royce updated their records, consequently some car records show ownership history.

The Foundation also holds some coachbuilders' archives. Where available, copies of these are automatically included with the chassis build records. If there is a substantial coachbuilder's file (e.g. for post-war James Young cars), copies of this will be at extra cost.

There are some service histories available, mainly for post-1965 cars: copies of these can be supplied at extra cost.

From 1st January 2008, the prices for copies of Construction & Test Records will be as follows -

Rolls-Royce Records

- Pre-war cars £27.00 ( Non member £33.00)

- Early post-war cars (up to c1961) £17.00 (Non member £20.00)

- Silver Cloud II and III (post c1960) £27.00 (Non member £33.00)

- Post 1965 Cars £40.00 (Non member £48.00)

Bentley Records

- Pre-war cars £21.00 (Non Member £25.00)

- Mark VI and R Type £17.00 (Non member £20.00)

- 'Standards Steel' S, S2 and S3 £9.00 (Non Member £11.00)

- Coachbuilt S, S2 and S3 -POA

- Post 1964 cars £40.00 (Non Member £48.00)

- Post war James Young records POA

- Service records (where available) POA

Postage: £2.50 (UK) £4.00 (EU) £5.00 (Overseas)

* These special discounted prices are for members of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club, the Bentley Drivers Club, the Sir Henry Royce Memorial Foundation and the W O Bentley Memorial Foundation.

Payment can be made by cheque (drawn on a UK bank) payable to the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts Club, or by MasterCard or Visa.
Visits to the Archives
Visitors are always welcome at The Hunt House, where members may view the records of their cars. Please note that it is not always possible to complete orders for records during a visit.

Intending visitors would be wise to check in advance that access is not restricted due to meetings or other Club functions. Philip Hall will be glad to arrange a convenient time.

Anyone wishing to carry out research in the archives should make an appointment with Philip Hall.

The Hunt House is usually open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Monday to Friday.